Digital Marketing Audit

We gather profiles in different professional areas of design, advertising, marketing and engineering to develop variety of services

How it works

With our support and essential work we can recognize the gaps that you must solve to achieve a good strategy in order to move forward with solid and accurate steps.The audits allow the customer loads to be reduced highly and provide unique information in the process, through the process of the audit and satisfied audit process the expectations and needs of companies and customers.

We invest in innovation because we are ambitious and we want

We exploit your strengths: We rely on your expectations to increase the expectations of the client and your company

We create a strategic and centralized plan.Dedicate less time to the administration of an audit and more time to the areas that matter the well as the daily monitoring and management of work execution.Greater transparency allows us to capture, mark and share the results of the global audits as they arise

Through our data analysis platform: we analyze your company, we seek weaknesses in order to work on their improvement and meet the expectations and changing needs of companies

Audit strategy

We carry out a constant and thorough work process that will allow youThe company can enhance each of your actions as a brand


Exhaustive analysis of the health status of the Internet positioning that has a specific website.This audit will evaluate all internal and external aspects, which have to do with SEO, which may be harming the visibility and conversions of an online project.


We do a DAFO analysis to see the real situation of your company.The objective of a DAFO analysis is to become aware of the most important strategic factors.Top Dafo analysis does not have to adjust only to a business, you can apply it to many aspects.You can prepare several matrices based on what you want to examine.


Customer analysis is vital for the growth of any business.However, the analysis should be based on something, which means that the data that is collected are crucial for this process.


We carry out a process evaluating the content in a quantitative and qualitative way with the aim of maximizing the return on investment


We review in real time the engagement and performance of your campaigns, we analyze the behavior, trends and interests consumers to boost your content strategy and evaluate the reputation of your brand and that of your competitors



Better the needs of your customers using artificial intelligence and automatic learning technologies, get a strong


Of the main objectives is to achieve conversion.Converting means getting visitors to make a specific action previously defined by you.This is the main and most important purpose of a company, otherwise how you will know if it is working and what should adjust to be the commercial support that must be.

Trust and credibility

The credibility of your brand is what makes people trust your company.Understand how to build that credibility, attract and retain your customers and generate a lasting relationship, creating defenders of your brand.